BERUBAH UNTUK BERBUAH Refleksi Perjalanan Berkarya di Perpustakaan UKMC Palembang

Chatarina Eka Oktavilia


This paper is a self-reflection based on the author's experience for approximately ten years working at the Library of the Musi Charitas Catholic University (UKMC) Palembang, starting from honorary students (student staff). During the ten-year journey, the author continues to strive to improve the quality of himself both in terms of knowledge about libraries and education in the field of libraries in order to develop libraries that are more qualified or provide more value than before, especially to be able to participate in living the library's vision, namely "Being a Reference Center to Improve Dignified, Moral, and Professional Human Quality”. Change to be fruitful is an expression to represent the reflection of the work journey of an employee in the library. Every journey is a process of change from time to time that can be reflected and also shared with everyone who may have experienced the same process in creating. In addition, it can be used as an illustration in dealing with and responding to any changes that exist, although sometimes it is unpleasant and even sad, but still must be accepted, grateful for, enjoyed, and lived. This reflection on the journey of work for approximately ten years is told using a qualitative approach with a narrative study. During its ten-year journey, one of the hopes that has been realized is that the Library of the Musi Charitas Catholic University (UKMC) Palembang already has 2 (two) librarians to support the development of a more qualified library and remain in demand by users in the future.

Keywords: Change; Reflection; Work; Library

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